MAY 5, 2011 - MAY 28, 2011
Hovering somewhere between sculpture, collage and drawing, these rubbed, scored, burnt and washed pieces of paper become the vehicle for a seductive visual dialogue that spans both material and pictorial concerns. Each paper component carries with it a conflicting sense of lightness and weight. Sitting within the context of these constructed worlds, the rough form of a paper’s ripped edge takes on a duality of readings. It streaks across the picture plane, at once itself and yet also perhaps the trail of some comet or cloud. Through the paper’s materiality of folds and edges, any attempt to pictorially manifest the solidity of geological form is denied. It is within these contradictory visual shifts that the eye is invited to linger, to explore the surprising clarity and depth found in the space between fact and fiction. (excerpt of essay by Phe Luxford, published in ABAJ, June 2011