Mellorado | Paula do Prado

Mellorado | Paula do Prado

MARCH 1, 2012 - MARCH 31, 2012

Mellorado begins and ends with Paula do Prado’s flight half way around the world as a child. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, do Prado left her extended Uruguayan family and migrated to Australia with her parents Jorge and Laura when she was eight years old. The exhibition highlights important aspects of her personal and cultural explorations since that time. Tracing her roots back to the African slave trade of the 1800s, do Prado reflects on the richness of Uruguay’s Afro-Latin heritage and the legacy of familial bonds in a bid to reconcile her multifaceted cultural identity.

Lo que se hereda no se roba.
What is inherited, can’t be stolen (Its’ in the blood).
