OCTOBER 31, 2010 - NOVEMBER 30, 2010
Adriane Strampp is a winner of the 2010 Kedumba Drawing Prize! Her drawing Hare (In memory of Marcus) was selected as a winner and accessioned into the Kedumba Collection.
“Hare (In memory of Marcus) is an iconic, enigmatic work that reminds me of the enquiry that Durer was capable of. The artist placed the hare in a believable space without rendering a background. Placing all the importance on the animal itself.” – Peter Sharp, 2010 Judge of the Kedumba Drawing Award.
The Kedumba Award and Collection have played a vital role in fostering the appreciation of drawing in this country over the past two decades.
“Drawing is the foundation of all visual art and this principle lies at the heart of the Kedumba Collection. While there are periods when the art of drawing is overlooked in teaching institutions and the contemporary art world, it continually re-emerges as an essential practice. This is largely because it is the primary means of visual expression, offering to the artist a direct and immediate way of responding to experiences and expressing ideas.” – Kedumba Collection