MARCH 11, 2022 - APRIL 23, 2022
Contemplating the surface and it’s depths, Sue Lovegrove‘s new series is a meditation on the fleeting nature of life in water. From standing on the shore and gazing into the unknown places, she transfixes us with her personal interpretation of life and lifeforms which exist beyond the human experience.
“Standing at the water’s edge invites one into a private space of reverie reflecting on the life and movement of water –
the fluctuating colours, light and sounds from the surrounding riparian landscape, as well as inviting contemplation
of psychological and emotional states of being.
These paintings are intended as a meditation on the fleeting nature of life in water – the constantly shifting
light patterns, the melancholy darkness and the movement of wind on the surface. I hope to draw the
viewer into an intimate, private and poetic contemplation of the stillness and movement in the surface and threshold
space of water. To reflect and ponder the dark enigmatic, mysterious and at times abstract worlds both above
and below the surface of ephemeral wetlands, swamps and tea tree tannin stained creeks of Tasmania.
As Gaston Bachelard says in water and dreams, “one drop of powerful water suffices to create a world and dissolve
a night”. He suggests the notion of the pond is like an eye that reflects the world as well as being a site of dormant
power. It’s because of water that life exists. It gives life to this planet and yet in our climate stressed environment, its
presence is in a constant state of flux and increasingly precious.”