August 11, 2020 - September 5, 2020
Fiona Hiscock’s practice emerges from a long historical tradition of utilitarian ceramics which use nature for decorative inspiration. Oversized, hand-built vases, pitchers, bowls and wall discs provide a canvas upon which the artist depicts botanical specimens, insects and birds. This series considers the loss of habitat from devastating bushfires which ravaged large tracts of country along the coast in the summer of 19/20.
“These ceramic objects depict a range of location specific species including Banksia Serrata which grows along the eastern Victorian coastline and Snow Gum found in high country along with bird species found in Victoria.I spend as much time as I can in the natural world. I walk, camp and observe particular trees of interest to me, and the birds and insects that live within the confines of a particular species. If feel it is extremely important for me as an artist to paint the Australian environment and highlight it’s beauty and value at a time when it seems increasingly under threat from land clearing, drought and fire."